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How to refer to us
Who we receive referrals from
We will receive referrals from anyone including self, family, and other agencies/organisations. All referrals must have the consent of the person being referred before it is accepted. If a referral is under the age of 16, parental consent will be required. Parent(s)/Caregiver(s) must consent to the release of information for a referral. ALL information in a referral and the process we follow is strictly confidential.
The most important thing is that the person being referred is willing to receive help. We are a voluntary service so can only work with those that are happy to have our support. Referral’s to Tūtaki Youth Inc. cover the following services:
Our services cover a wide variety of support including, but not limited to:
Social Work
A variety of programmes
Youth Work
Family harm response and support
Children/young people 5-25 years old
Victims of Family Harm
Family Harm offenders
Managing anger
Building resilience
Life skills
Family relationships
Connecting to community
Referrals to external agencies for
specialist support including
alcohol and drug and mental health support
Social relationships
How to refer
Our service provision works on a referral basis. If you or someone you know would benefit from having support through our services then the first step is to complete a referral. Our team works with:
Our referral process
Referrals may be deferred, accepted or declined according to priority.
Any supporting documentation such as Family Group Conference Plans, information from previous or current other agencies you may be working with, and parenting or protection orders that may be in place at time of referral are good to provide with your referral.
Once a referral is received it goes to our Case Management Meeting which is attended by our service provision team.
Referrals will either be:
An initial assessment of the referral will take place and a priority given based on the needs outlined and the capacity of the team. Once a referral has been allocated a case-holder, this team member will make contact with the referrer and the person being referred within 7 days. An appointment will be made with them for a needs assessment. This needs assessment is completed to gain a clear picture of what is going on for that person and to have a discussion about what Tūtaki Youth Inc. may be able to support them with.The needs assessment is brought back to our case management meeting and a decision is made as to whether or not we are the most appropriate agency to help. If this is agreed then the individual referred will now become a client and a client plan will be developed between them and their case-holder.At times we may decide that another agency would be a better fit for the referral. When this happens a discussion will be had with the person being referred.
Deferred (placed on-hold);
or Declined
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